Monday, May 12, 2008

Business Class Flights

It used to be when you flew for business reasons that your company would get you business class flights for your travels. This was because business class offered a bit more room so you could work while en route without the expense of first class. Business class flights also provide a few other extras that made travel easy for those who were in the skies quite a bit for work purposes, and flying that much in coach was more of a pain than anything else.

Today, the business class flights you used to see are slowly going away. More and more airlines are cutting out a lot of their business class flights and sticking with just coach and first class flights. A big reason for this is expense. It is much cheaper to buy new planes with just two classes, and this is keeping the business class flights you used to use down in number to the point where you may not find them when you need them. A friend of mine works for an airline, and she agrees that while business class flights were helpful to the business passenger, they were indeed some of the first changes airlines started to make when money started to get tight. Airlines have to make changes to survive, and sadly, this was one that had to be made.

If you are still looking for business class flights, you can still find them if you look hard enough. They may not be as easy to find if you live in a smaller community, but they are out there somewhere. You may even have to take a coach connection to a larger city to get a business class flight to your final destination. If you can afford it, you may have to consider going first class from now on if you need the extra room to spread out and work while on a flight.

If you have no choice in the matter, you may find that your company begins to put you in coach no matter where you are going. This may become more and more common as time goes on, and this may change the way your company does business. Today there are ways around business travel, including videoconferencing and the like, but some know that this will never replace the need to have a person on the spot to get the job done.

Travel To Egypt

I saw a lonely planet Egypt show the other day, and ever since I have wanted to travel to Egypt. I guess I have been fascinated with Egypt for a long time, but my fascination has died down recently. I first got interested in Egypt in middle school. We did a unit on Egyptology, and I did a report on the pharaohs. Back then, Traveling to Egypt sounded great to me. Of course, my grasp on what Egypt was like was a little bit loose. I Was old enough to understand that Egypt was not the land of the pharaohs anymore, and yet that was how I pictured it. I knew that any travel to Egypt would be a great disappointment because that world didn't exist anymore. Modern Egypt would be much different.

Nonetheless, a lot of people who travel to Egypt go there for precisely the same reasons I was fascinated with it – to see that ancient world. According to the lonely planet travel to Egypt show, archeology was one of the main reasons cited by as tourists for their travels. Almost everyone who traveled to Egypt was interested in seeing the tombs of the pharaohs, the pyramids, and most of all the Sphinx. Although there are other reasons to travel to Egypt, most people aren't aware of them.

Fortunately, the best time to travel to Egypt is coming up soon. Because it is so hot, you want to travel there during the winter if possible. Otherwise, you are in for a rude awakening. The sun is constantly beating down, and although the heat is dry, it is plentiful. If you travel to Egypt in that heat, you have no one else to blame but yourself for your misery.

I have a friend who Is an experienced Egyptian traveler. He told me that if you travel to Egypt, you had better do it with a friend. You see, if you don't know your way around, it is easy to get ripped off. Everyone from taxi drivers to restaurant owners to tour guides wants a piece of the tourist pie. If you don't know what you're getting into, you can get taken advantage of at every turn. If, on the other hand, you know how to travel in Egypt, things will go a lot better for you. You will find the right tour guides who can take you to the most exciting spots, and you will save some money besides.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

International Business And Travel Planning

According to statistics, almost half of the American population accounts to the nations travel expenditures whether it be local or international destinations. You as a travel enthusiast should have likely heard about the Global Travel International business opportunity.

Before you go out and make a decision to join the Global Travel International business you have to be well informed. By knowing how GTI (Global Travel International) actually works you are at an advantage to make a calculated risk decision. After all, it is your hard earned cash.

1) How Global Travel International Got Started

We turn back the clock all the way to 1994. There were two college roommates namely Randy Warren and Michael Gross set out to build a travel agency which was not restricted by geographic location or bound by typical overhead. Hence, Global Travel International was started.

They had a goal in which Global Travel International would market and distribute travel in a new global economy. By referring to their own press, Global Travel International is a 9 year-old licensed, bonded and accredited travel agency, and is endorsed by the world's major airlines, hotel chain and travel suppliers.

2) Your Compensation Plan With GTI

You can start out in with Global Travel International by registering to be an Independent Travel Agent. What happens is that your commissions are paid to your based on travel packages reserved via GTI. This would amount to about 5-10% of the payout rate on hotels, car rentals, and so on.

Your commission checks are sent out once a month and paid to you on average 30 to 60 days after the date the travel once you have met the $50 minimum payout. It should be good because you are not only your clients with are getting a good deal with Global Travel International but also you get paid a cut.

3) Truth About Global Travel International Business Opportunity

There is one variable about this company though. You cannot really predict that you will get a very huge earning potential. Why? Its a general problem which is not just limited to Global Travel International. Fact is, most people book their own travels now.

You will find an abundance of travel websites online that travel agents are becoming an endangered species. Also, your chances of huge success would be to really latch on to the network marketing concept behind the Global Travel International residual income leverage.

So although the potential to make good income with Global Travel International is valid, you need to not only ensure large group bookings. But also ensure the agents enrolled under you are making good sales as well.

Final Tip

We know that Global Travel International continues to advertise discount benefits to encourage participation in their home based business opportunity. Truth is, even is you are interested your financial breakthrough is determined by being able to market online by getting targeted prospects.

Cheap International Travel To favourite Destinations

What is the real secret to cheap international travel? It is the same as the secret to doing anything for less. Learn to be an opportunist. Opportunistic travelers get to travel more, see more and do more. Of course, you can ignore this advice if you have unlimited funds.

I went to Ecuador because it was cheap. Honestly, aren't there many interesting places in this world? Why not choose one you can travel to inexpensively? The other places will be there in the future, and you may have an opportunity to go to those places cheaply at some point.

Cheap Countries

Ecuador is my favorite international destination. You can still get a decent meal for two dollars. U.S. dollars, by the way, since that's conveniently the official currency of Ecuador now. From the beautiful snow-capped Andes mountains, to the Galapagos Islands, you'll never run out of places to explore in Ecuador. Travel there is safe and inexpensive.

South America in general is inexpensive, and the most affordable countries are, in my opinion, the most beautiful. These are the countries along the Andes mountains; Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Argentina, thanks to it's recent economic troubles, is once again a cheap place for travelers as well.

In Central America, it costs very little to travel and vacation in both Nicaragua and Guatemala. Nicaragua, in particular, has become more stable and safe for travelers in recent years. Costa Rica is a wonderful too, and though it is one of more expensive counties of Central America, that probably still leaves it cheaper than Europe.

In Asia, India is still low-cost, especially if you stay in the numerous hostels and boarding houses. Thailand and Indonesia are also very cheap. With all international destinations, the plane tickets will be your single biggest travel expense. This is especially true with the asian countries. Being there is cheap, but getting there may not be.

Cheap International Travel Tips

Wherever you go, there are things you can do to keep it cheap. Eat where locals eat, for example, instead of at the tourist restaurants. To keep it really cheap, eat fruit from street markets (wash it well) and packaged snacks from grocery stores.

Visit the free and cheap attractions first. It's possible you'll have so much fun that you'll never get around to doing the expensive things. A higher price means better quality with travel bags, but not with travel experiences.

Busses are cheaper than taxis in any country, but be careful of crowded city busses, where pickpockets hang out. Walking is even cheaper, and it's a great way to learn about a city. Just ask the locals where the dangerous parts are before you wander too far.

For cheap accommodations find out where local visitors from within the country stay. Negotiating room charges is common in some areas. In Banos, Ecuador, we negotiated our room rate down from $12 to $6 per night, by paying for several nights in advance. Consider hostels, if you don't mind sharing a room. They're much more common overseas.

Cheap international travel is often only as cheap as your plane tickets. Use the techniques outlined on our site to save big on tickets, or search the fares to several interesting countries. If one is $500 less than the others, consider going there. $500 can buy a few extra days, or an extra mini-vacation some other time.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Enjoyable And Free International Travel Plans

International travel is an expensive and time-consuming exercise. Many of us go on international trips either for business or work related trips, to visit families, for studies in foreign countries or just for a vacation. Here are some tips to make this travel pleasant and easy on you and your pockets.

Planning your trip:

Plan your trip well in advance, if possible. This presents you an opportunity to get better air ticket deals. Airfares for international travels are seasonal. There are three main seasons: Low, Shoulder and Peak. Traveling in peak season is always the most expensive. If your trip is not time bound, plan to travel in the low season to get cheapest and low airfares. For travel in peak season, shop for deals well in advance. This assures you good price, your choice of airlines and your choice of dates. If possible, keep the travel dates flexible, as that would help you in getting lower fares. There is a notion that you can get cheap air tickets if you wait till the last minute. This is not necessarily true and during the peak season, you may run the risk of not getting a seat on any airlines at all.

There are many ways on how you can save money. Many airlines have different fares for weekday and weekend travel. If you are planning to break your journey midway, some airlines offer free stopovers while others charge a fee. Sometimes, direct / non-stop flights are expensive than the ones with one or more stops. Less known airlines can offer hard to resist deals. You can either call individual airlines to get their air fares and then compare or search on travel websites, which offer online booking facilities. While calling individual airlines can be a time consuming and tedious process, online booking sites may not be the right option if you have a few twists in your trip. And both these options may not give you access to the promotional and discount fares. The best bet will be to call a travel agent and let them do the job for you.

Travel agents are a good source to get great deals. They can help you in finding deals with more than one airline and can offer tickets for discounted prices. They have access to almost all airlines and have the expertise to search for the cheapest tickets in the market. Travel agents are a great source of information. Do not hesitate to ask them questions. They can provide valuable tips on how you can save money. Travel agents deal with more than one traveler at a time and hence may not be able to give you the details in the first call. Give them your trip details and give them some time and they can come up with really good deals for you. Travel agents are easy to spot as many of them have websites. A travel agency with excellent customer service is an asset. Some travel sites like http://www.TravelWorldServices,, etc. offer personalized over-the-phone services on travel to various destinations across the world.

There are several travel agencies around the world. However, it is important that you choose the right travel agency, which offers the best customer service at the cost of a few additional dollars. This is better than booking the ticket online or offline through a travel agency who may offer really cheap deal but may end up not delivering you the ticket or not confirming your seats.

So the first step to planning your next international trip is to get yourself a really good travel agent.

Importance Of Global Travel International And Travel Plans

According to statistics, almost half of the American population accounts to the nations travel expenditures whether it be local or international destinations. You as a travel enthusiast should have likely heard about the Global Travel International business opportunity.

Before you go out and make a decision to join the Global Travel International business you have to be well informed. By knowing how GTI (Global Travel International) actually works you are at an advantage to make a calculated risk decision. After all, it is your hard earned cash.

1) How Global Travel International Got Started

We turn back the clock all the way to 1994. There were two college roommates namely Randy Warren and Michael Gross set out to build a travel agency which was not restricted by geographic location or bound by typical overhead. Hence, Global Travel International was started.

They had a goal in which Global Travel International would market and distribute travel in a new global economy. By referring to their own press, Global Travel International is a 9 year-old licensed, bonded and accredited travel agency, and is endorsed by the world's major airlines, hotel chain and travel suppliers.

2) Your Compensation Plan With GTI

You can start out in with Global Travel International by registering to be an Independent Travel Agent. What happens is that your commissions are paid to your based on travel packages reserved via GTI. This would amount to about 5-10% of the payout rate on hotels, car rentals, and so on.

Your commission checks are sent out once a month and paid to you on average 30 to 60 days after the date the travel once you have met the $50 minimum payout. It should be good because you are not only your clients with are getting a good deal with Global Travel International but also you get paid a cut.

3) Truth About Global Travel International Business Opportunity

There is one variable about this company though. You cannot really predict that you will get a very huge earning potential. Why? Its a general problem which is not just limited to Global Travel International. Fact is, most people book their own travels now.

You will find an abundance of travel websites online that travel agents are becoming an endangered species. Also, your chances of huge success would be to really latch on to the network marketing concept behind the Global Travel International residual income leverage.

So although the potential to make good income with Global Travel International is valid, you need to not only ensure large group bookings. But also ensure the agents enrolled under you are making good sales as well.